Sunday, November 15, 2009

Days 99-105

Another Sunday, and another day with time for a post.

I mentioned in my last post that I was feeling much better after being sick for a week. I then had to go to school, and try to control a bunch of 1st/2nd graders who hadn't had class for a week and a half. My voice was gone after that. I was still sick-ish most of this week as well.

Not much happened this past week. My kids were normal. My conversation groups were normal (when we actually met). All in all, everything has been kind

Wednesday was Pepero Day, which is sort of like a valentines day, but where you only give pepero, which is....a stick biscuit dipped in chocolate. I only mention it because most of my friends, who all teach on Wednesday, got tons of Pepero, while I got none. It was pretty depressing, actually.

Some good things about this past week....I bought two dress-tops (what do you call tops that are too long to be a shirt, but not long enough to be a dress? Mini dress? Tunic-length top?), and a pair of boots off G-Market (like Amazon for Korea), and they all arrived this week. I really want to wear my boots, but I'm waiting until my suede waterproofing spray arrives. These were pricy, so I don't want to ruin them the first time I wear them.
My package from home also arrived, so I had stuff to munch on this weekend (most of the candy is gone already. -_-u).

The only other big thing....IT SNOWED THIS MORNING!
Daniel called when he was on his way to meet me so we could walk to church together and he said it was snowing. I didn't believe him, but it was. And of course, as luck would have it, it didn't start really snowing until we were on our way to the church, which was across the river.

Church was okay. I was really tired, and didn't understand much (er....more like...the translation given to me was so summerized, that I understood it the first time, and didn't need all the smaller points that went with it).
After church, Daniel, myself, Mr. Joe Lennon (a teacher at Daniels school), and another foreigner named David, all went to the movie theater and watched 2012. It was a pretty good movie. It's definitely my favorite genre (worlds-going-to-end-need-someone-to-be-compassionate-and-save-humanity) for movies though, so I was pretty much expecting it to be good. I was expecting it too be more....preachy than it was.

After the movie, Daniel and I went to Mr. Lennon's (I should learn his real name) house and watched Men In Black until dinner time, when Daniel went to eat dinner on campus with someone, and I went with Mr. Lennon and his family for samgyupsal. I felt a little weird just because Mr. Lennon is the only one who speaks English, but I've become comfortable enough being around Koreans that it wasn't too bad.

After dinner....I came home, and realized I had a ton of stuff to figure out and get done.
I need to book my flight back home, which I'm hoping I can get either on the 8th or 9th of January.'s peak season, and I might have waited too long. However, I couldn't book a flight before I found out when the Winter English camp at my elementary school would be, and they wouldn't tell me until I found the right person to ask.

I also need to find a way to get this in-school deferment form for my student loans. I pulled it up the first time I was looking at it, but I haven't been able to get it up since then. I hope I didn't break it! I really need it!
I also need to figure out my schedule for next semester. I thought I had it all figured out last Spring, before I came to Korea, but when I looked at my degree audit, things had changed, and now I'm a little worried.
But if worse comes to worse, I'll just have to take a course during Summer school. I'm pretty sure I can still walk in May, if I only have one course or two left to take.

And on a different note...this is a picture of one of my 1st grade students drawing Chaewan, my guy TaLK scholar.

Text says: I hate Lim Chaewan
My kids are really rude because they're supposed to use a title for anyone elder, but my kids don't when they're talking about Chaewan.


  1. Chaewan is the other teacher that you teach with?

  2. Yeah. The annoy guy neither I nor my students like. Today, I asked my kids if they thought Chaewan was handsome. Only two boys said yes. Then, I asked if Heidi was pretty. All but three boys said yes. Heidi then asked if I was pretty. All but one boy said yes.

  3. please keep us updated! Any love encounter yet? No eligible bachelor have express their love to you yet? You should post a video, and maybe some of the people you work with and describe their personality lol
