Saturday, November 28, 2009

Picture Post

Mary is adorable! I finally found out why her English is so good. She went to kindergarten in the Philippines, and her school was taugh all in English.

I was teaching my Wed. conversation group how to do the "WOW" thing for pictures. They thought it was really cool. I really am terrible. I tell them everyone does this, and I tell my roomies that the chicken dance is a classic American tradition.

MinKyu. He is such a pushover. He didn't mind us painting his fingernails. I added the heart and the cross. They were too ugly otherwise.

I can't imagine anyone would actually buy this! It looks like something you would only see in a magazine for a photo shoot. Therefore, I had to pose like a model. It couldn't be helped.

Miok and I being silly at Forever 21. We have the same headband on. Shiny silver bow.

I am such a goofy kid! But this couch was just calling out to me! I had to pose this way!

Miok and I at Doota, a shopping mall in Seoul for independent designers.

A Christmas shop! There were so many lights! I wanted to buy something, but everything felt so American! I wanted something in Korean.

This was a building! The men were scrolling up and down. Daniel was amazed by it! He couldn't figure out how it worked. It was kind of funny to see him trying to imagine it.

This is a mega church! They had translators for 6 different languages. The translator for English wasn't very good though. I listened to a little bit in Spanish.

This is Daniels normal pose. He's always taking pictures!

On my trip to Seoul, we went to Itaewan, which is a big foreigners place. I found a Mizzou hoodie! There was also a Nebraska hoodie, but I didn't feel it deserved a picture.

Kevin took this picture. He wouldn't stop taking pictures of me, so I was doing all sorts of crazy poses. This was gangster Korean.

KEVIN! This kid is hilarious! He's a little frustrating sometimes though because he spends all class goofing off and doesn't do his work. He'll only do what he's supposed to be doing if I sit next to him and walk him through it. And by that, I mean point to each new problem/sentence he's supposed to work on. He also hijacked my camera and took a ton of pictures.

My students seem to think that I have long curly hair. I don't mind though. They also think I'm extremely skinny. That's a little scary.

My 5th/6th grade class, enjoying the cake I brought in for our Thanksgiving day party!

Two of my 3rd grade students. The one in pink just joined the class, and I think she really likes me. She's a sweet girl.

1 comment:

  1. December is almost over and we have had no blog updates!
