Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 44

Today was my second day of teaching and I think it might have been harder than the first! T_T

At least for my first day, I had a lesson plan. For today, I had an idea and I thought I could just wing it. That worked fine for the younger kids, but I forgot how smart the older kids are, and how they don't like playing silly games like "ball toss".
For my great idea of a lesson, I threw the ball to kids and had them say "Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is (blank). I like (blank)." Most of my kids said "ice cream" or "strawberry". I'm not sure how many of them actually like those two things, and how many are just using those two words because they already know them.
Before my 3rd/4th grade class, HyoJu said I needed to assign seats, so before we started class, I had all the kids line up at the front of the classroom, and then I went down the line pointing at different seats. It was hard, because I didn't want to separate the kids who I thought would be fine together, but I didn't want to make it obvious that I was separating the trouble makers. There were some good kids that were separated and some friends were put together that I might have to move later. I'll just have to see how it goes.
I also took pictures of my 3rd/4th graders, paired them off, and had them introduce their partner to the rest of the class. That took up the whole time, so I was glad for that.

My 5th/6th grade class...I had my plan a little more organized, so I assigned seats (I wasn't thinking and ended up putting three guys at one table, two of whom are best friends), and then took pictures before we got started with the activity. The activity was super easy for them and they finished both activites within 20 minutes. I could tell they were hating it, and I didn't want to torture them anymore lest they hate me, so HyoJu sugguested I let them go with about 15 minutes left in class. She also had to leave early, so I don't think she wanted to stay any longer than she needed to.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with them on Thursday. Tomorrow I'm going to have to do some serious lesson planning. Especially since I also don't know what to do with the other kids. I know for my beginner class, I'm going to have to take pictures, and maybe introduce some more greetings vocabulary. For my intermediate class...a fun game of sorts. I'm still not sure what level my kids are on, so I might do a review game of sorts. A review would be a good idea for my higher level class as well. I don't want to teach them things they already know, but I'm not sure how to quiz them. I'll just have to make something up I suppose.

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