Sunday, October 18, 2009

Days 76-77

Okay, I'll post a real blog update today!

Yesterday, I didn't do anything. I stayed up until 4am, slept in until after noon, made breakfast for myself, watched Love Actually and just kind of vegged out. It was a good, relaxing day.

Today, I had to wake up earlier than normal in order to get on a bus heading to Cheonan at 10am, because Jina and I were going to the global festival in Incheon. I arrived in Cheonan at 10:50, and the bus for Incheon left at 11, so Jina arrived and we ran to catch the bus. Literally. It was pulling out of the loading dock when we arrived. We made it, however, and had a rather uneventful hour long ride.
It seemed like everyone was going to the global festival. The subway was really crowded and when we got to the stop for the global festival, EVERYONE got off the subway.

We arrived and the first thing we did was go see Borami. I hadn't seen her in so long that I sort of forgot what she looked like! When I first saw her, I was kind of hesitant and held back, trying to figure out if it was her or not. Jina made funny of me for it. I felt really bad.

After talking with Borami for a bit (she was working so I couldn't take too much of her time), she gave me five (5!) free pens, and then Jina and I headed off to see other things.

There wasn't a ton of exciting stuff to see, and the lines were really long everwhere, but the weather was nice and I enjoyed myself.

My favorite part about the whole day was the lego stuff. There were a ton of amazing lego scultures everywhere! I don't have many pictures, but I have a ton of pictures of lego things to share!

Cool Lego man! I love him!

Amazing palace-like building

Storm-trooper or something similar. It was really hard to get a picture with him, because there were all these people who kept standing in the way. They kind of glared at me at one point. -_-

Big display! It was supposed to represent the changes Incheon has made to become a global city.


  1. Your hair is really growing! Or is it that I am just really missing you??? Oh well, love your blog updates! (and I'm sure many others do too)

  2. It's growing. I've been thinking about getting it cut, just so that it has some shape.
