Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 3

Today was my first day of classes. It was tiring but alright. I wouldn't really call them classes. They were more like....seminars. And I didn't have to take notes, because each speech was written in our handbook. So as long as I read along, and underlined things, I was fine.

A met tons of new people today. My group of 'friends' in my group of classes is now a nice even four, with the edition of Steven. He is also Korean American, but when Ji and Mark start talking in Korea, Steven is always sure to talk with me in English.
Today, I applied for my bank account and debit card. I should be getting it tomorrow. That 'class' was fun. We got cheesecake, and we had 'elections' for class officer. Instead of electing someone, everyone who was interested went to the front of the classroom and then they played Rock-Paper-Scissors to see who would get the position. Ji ended up winning.

The hardest part of today has been the Korean lesson. I just returned from that and I didn't learn anything. T_T I was in the beginners class, but because it was so full (people were standing in the back and sitting on the window sills), the teacher said that if you knew the alphabet and a few phrases, you should go to the intermediate class. I went to that class and it was way over my head. The whole class was taught in Korean, and I didn't really understand what was going on. I think tomorrow I'm going to the beginning class. I don't really care how crowded it is, or even if it seems too easy. Intermediate is too advanced for me.
Honestly, I feel so discouraged right now.

But I guess on a positive note, I'm getting better with chopsticks. When I eat with Ji, Mark, and Steven, I make sure to use chopsticks, and I think I'm doing okay. I have trouble picking things up, but I have yet to drop any food.

I saw this large pile of desk chairs outside our classroom building and my first thought was "Koreans are boycotting school!" There were even more chairs lined up in front of the elevators on the 4th floor.
I'm assuming they are just getting new desk chairs and so they were taking the old one's out. Not sure what they're going to do with them all though.


  1. Well, Kayla you may feel discouraged from time to time, but always remember to turn to God. He will see you through. Besides that, you can DO THIS! I have all the faith in the world :)

  2. Kayla! Wow, cheesecake in school...where do I sign up?
    I am excited about your chopstick skills, I am sure you will be a black belt it chopsitcks in a short time : )I agree with maddockh, you are bright and capable and have God with you always
    we Love you

  3. On the bright side, being too good for the beginner's course isn't such a bad problem to have.

  4. Hey Kayla,
    We read your blog, were glad everythings going well for you there. keep blogging, were looking forward to reading about your trip there. Im about to go back to school soon too, we go back the 13th. Im going to be a sophmore this year, yayy. My birthday is in 79 days :) im going to be 16, im so excited. But right now Grandma, Aunt Kim, & I just finished reading your blog.

    We Love You :)
