Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 4

Lets would I rate today? Out of 5, I think today was probably a 3-star day. I woke up at 7, the latest I've slept since I arrived in Korea, so that was good. Breakfast was fried octopus. Not at all my favorite, and I think I'll pass on it next time. Morning classes passed by rather quickly, and then it was time for lunch. I had lunch with my roommate and her friend from home, Brock. They're actually really nice, and even though I show up when they're nearly done, they always wait until I am finished eating before they get up. When in the cafeteria, I ran into the guy who was my partner in the Intermediate Korean class. I told him I was thinking about switching to the beginners class, but he kind of talked me out of it. So I figured I would stick with the intermediate until the Beginners class caught up to where I am.

Afternoon classes were both interesting. We had a contest in both classes, and each time, I was on the second-place team. For someone as competitive as myself, I was not happy. And both times, the winning team was the same group of people, and their team name was always "Chuck Norris".

However, despite the fact that there was a competition going on, and I wanted to win really badly, I learned a lot in my last class of the day. The class was supposed to be covering how to teach culture in an English class. I don't know how much I learned about that, but I got a ton of great tips for lesson plans and how to keep kids interested. It was by far the most informative class I've had.

I ate dinner with my roommate and her friend again, and then headed to my second day of intermediate Korean lessons. It wasn't so bad today, I guess because I was expecting it. I felt very sleepy in that class and I developed a headache, but I think I learned a few things. We were covering counting and numbers. I didn't learn much about that, but I did learn that the cat says "youong". That's the video we watched in class.

I guess I don't really have much else to say. Apparently it's very 'Korean' to take pictures of your food. I have been taking pictures of my food, just so I can show what I am eating and ask questions about what it is, but I feel like I'm imposing on a cultural thing when I do it.
<-----My lunch today. It was my favorite of all three meals. The things on the left were some type of fish. The square things on the right were tofu. It tasted like potatos.

I'm not sure if this is Engrish or not, but it made me laugh that there was a drink vending machine that said "sweat" on it.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla,

    I would know nothing about you being competitive...I guess that's why we won playing Cranuim. You, me AND Becca are all kind of competitive ;) LOL! I hope I didn't freak anyone out seeing that side of was mostly about Mike and I and how we act...we're clowns.

    Anyway, so glad everything is getting better for you! I hope to be checking in on you every day to see how things go. Then, when you come back, I won't feel like I missed a thing! Praying for you sister!
