Thursday, August 20, 2009

Days 19 & 20

Day 19
We had to present our mock classes. My group was first, and I was opening our group up. I was extremely nervous and I had to sing two songs. I don't believe I looked like a very good teacher. It's rather hard to be enthusiastic about teaching first graders when your 'first graders' are actually extremely bored 20-year-olds.
However, despite how horrible it was to go first, I got my part over and done with rather early, and then I was free to just sit back and try to not fall asleep for some of the other presentations. Presentations took up the entire day of classes.

After dinner, I hung out with GoPoom for a bit. It was awkward then, because there were a lot of new people, and Ji was with me so she spent a lot of time talking with them in Korea. One guy couldn't tell why we were there. He asked if we knew what the concept of a club was. I think that was his way of saying we weren't welcome. However, EunYoung was there, and he has never sent me away, so I just stayed and tried to keep out of the way. I did go into the practice room for one of the groups and took a few pictures. None came out very well, because it was so dark.

At 7:30, everyone had to go to an auditorium for a live radio show. It was fun, because they had a few live bands/groups. A lot of TaLK scholars complained and said it was boring, but I enjoyed it. The show won't be aired until Aug. 22nd at 2pm, Korean time (Aug. 21st midnight back home). You can listen online at TBS Radio, but there really isn't any point in listening, since I'm not in it at all.

Day 20

Today, we had a field trip. We were originally planning on going to a mud festival, but because it was supposed to rain (and it did), they changed the plan. Instead, we went to a Korean cooking class! It was a lot of fun, and I made delicious lunch for myself. We were in groups, so I didn't really make all my lunch. I cut and cooked the carrots, as well as mixed the egg, the marinade for the burdock, cut the crab, and rolled my own Kimbap. Sounds like a lot, but there was a ton more that my group members did. We were the first group done though, so I think we all worked really well together and divided up the labor quite nicely.

After making and eating our lunch, we headed to Lotte World, an amusement park in downtown Seoul. It was so much fun! At first, I was a little worried because I didn't have anyone to hang out with because Ji and Mark were on a different bus than me. However, I saw one of the girls who was in my cooking group, Esther, so I asked if I could tag along with her and her friends. Turns out one of the guys was Frank, who was in my mock lesson group. The other guy was David, an extremely tall guy from the UK. All three of them were late-comers who just arrived this past weekend.
I had a ton of fun with them and I especially like Esther. We were all cracking jokes that she was our tour guide because she was wearing a khaki skirt and a red polo shirt and she is a Korean-American so she was the only one who spoke Korean.

The rides at Lotte World were a lot of fun, especially the Aquatica ride (real name?). It was so fast and zoomed into tiny holes that didn't look big enough for our car. Frank was feeling a little sick so he didn't want to ride. Esther, David, and I were waiting in line patiently when a worker came up with a big pole. Esther and David were busy talking, but I saw her hold it up to David and I realized it was a height limit pole. I said to her "Too tall?" and she said "No ride. Too big." It was the saddest thing ever! David said "I feel like a freak." Everyone had been looking at him since the moment we got there. David is 6'4", so it's understandable that he stands out.
Esther and I stayed in line and rode. It really was a fun and fast ride.

There were tons of other fun things we did, but I'm way too tired to write about everything. We didn't get back to campus until 11pm. Then we had to pick up our cups we made. I picked up my cup, and it wasn't broken, so I was happy. I'll take pictures of it another day and post them.
I think now I'll go to bed. I have to pack up my bags tomorrow because we are leaving. It's kind of sad. I don't want to say good-bye to my friends in other provinces.

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